
Call for Papers

The international Health and Social Care Journal (HSCJ) welcomes submissions of original research articles, case studies capturing "policy to practice" or "implementation of best practices", commentaries and critical reviews of relevant novelty programs and products.
Benefits for authors include free publications with no extra fees, placement of articles on the web-site, indexing article information in the rating systems.

Two types of contributions are regularly considered:
Full Papers - Presentation of significant research, development or application of control concepts.
Notes and Correspondence - Brief notes, comments on published areas or established control topics, corrections to papers and notes early published.

Submitted manuscripts must be typewritten in English. Our preferred format for text is Microsoft Word, with the style tags removed. We prefer the use of a ‘standard’ font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman. Manuscripts that do not conform to this requirement will be returned to the author.

All submitted manuscripts should be as concise as possible. Notes and Correspondence are normally limited to six pages. Full Papers of length exceeding fifteen pages (including figures) will normally not be considered.

All articles published will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Permitted reuse is defined.

Common structure of Full paper includes the following sections:






Body of paper

Methodology sections should be as short as necessary, while presenting the basic information necessary to enable the reader to understand the steps taken.
Tables, figures, etc. placed where they belong.



If applicable


All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list references following the text of the manuscript and should be numbered according to their appearance in text. In the text they should be referred to by bracketed numbers.

There are no strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent. Where applicable, author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter and the pagination must be present. Use of DOI is encouraged.

Use of National State Standart (GOST) №7.0.5-2008 is required for publications, published in Russian.

Foreign sources should be written in the original language and be accompanied by phonetic transliteration in Latin characters.


If applicable

Summary of the article in Russian

Summary follows the article and corresponds to its structure. The size is limited to two pages.
It is required to provide Summary for all russian authors.